Behind The Scenes (Of My AI Business)

How I Have Implemented AI In My Own AI Business (And You Can Copy)

Today’s blog post sounds quite different from the previous ones. That is because today I actually wrote it manually 🙂 

Yes, the previous issues were AI-generated. Do you think I would teach generative AI and automation and then spend a lot of time writing stuff manually? Well, at least not usually, of course, except once in a while like today.

Automating My Business

I will give you some ‘behind the scenes’ insights how I have automated my own business to a large extend. You can do it in a similar way (the principles are the same, but details vary) with or without my help.

There are great automation tools such as Zapier, Make or Pabbly. Personally I have chosen Pabbly as it seems the best value for money for me. It is cost-effective, yet powerful.

Repetitive tasks are automated by triggers that then initiate the same actions that I otherwise would have taken manually, only fully automated without my intervention. They are built into workflows that run 24×7. That’s it!

Below is an illustration of how it works, it is a bit blur on purpose as the details don’t matter here, only the principal how it works.

Check Pabbly out for free at In case you missed the gift yesterday (101 automation templates in Pabbly) here it is again:
Here is your gift: 101 automation templates that you can deploy for your business or job easily. Claim your free gift here:

For those tasks that cannot be fully automated, I use several AI tools like for example ChatGPT, Ideogram, Visla, CapCut, Visualreel (and more) to name just a few of them. Learning and using them is easy (and if you need help with that, feel free to reach out to me).

Tip Of The Day

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